On Tue, Jul 25, 2000 at 02:54:39PM -0600, Vincent Danen wrote:
> I'm not sure.  I can't explain it, but I know it happens to me on
> occassion as well.  I wish I could offer a better explanation, but I
> don't know it.

ARRGHHHLLLLLL! 8_()  Hmm, may I read you the interesting sections of


See that last line?  Maybe, just maybe, I should make that the FIRST line,
and NOT the LAST line.  Hmm, kinda strange, now everything works....

Well, sometimes it helps to think a tiny little bit :[]

Thanks for your time, but obviously you shouldn't waste any more time on me
when I already fail at such a small hurdle :-)) Expect the RPM soon :]

Alexander Skwar
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