Don Head wrote:
> Just thought I'd open the door on this one again,
> I seem to recall it being mentioned some time
> ago.  What are the chances of Mandrake including
> a FreeS/WAN enabled kernel package in the not-so-
> distant future?  I guess it would have to be in
> the crypto archives, but still, it would save me
> quite a bit of compile time on some of my older
> machines..
> Don Head                      [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Linux Mentor                      [1 314 692-1942]
> Wave Technologies, Inc.     [1 800 826-4640 x1942]
> [AIM - Don Wave][ICQ - 18804935][Yahoo - Don_Wave]

I have a beta version of the package.... It will be available the next 
week end on my site

Yours Sincerly,                                                         
               Christian Zoffoli  ''~``                                 
                                 ( o o )                                
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|                            .oooO          [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| ICQ: 50684793              (   )   Oooo. [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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