First, thanks for the nice distro, and for providing cooker!

But I must say I was foolish in attempting to track cooker carrying on
from the 7.1 beta testing.

Of course, the problem is that cooker isn't really a distribution at
all and at any one moment lots of stuff is inconsistent and broken
with each other.  Wouldn't it be nice if we had a secondary version of
cooker which at least could be installed without conflicts or library
errors?  That would involve minimal testing and could be done
automatically, one would think.

Anyway, some random problems with recent cookers:

  ldconfig /  both supply ldconfig but having missing other

  netscape just seg faults (and for some time, not sure why)
  The script gives silly errors, the 'newbrowser' call is broken

  gnome-libs seemed to disappear (but is back now)

  KDE snapshot: kdm gives error about not being able to establish
  interprocess communication, even though it works okay once
  logged in.  

  Something that's driving me crazy: is there any way to remove
  the top menu bar??  Trying to do it from the configuration tool
  has no effect and/or crashes KDE.

  sh-utils, procps have conflicts
  If you're updating ocaml mdk version, couldn't you update to
  the latest (3.01 or .02) ?

  autofs  script is still badly broken compared with mdk 7.
  I reported this once before.  Below is a patch which at least
  gets it to print out the active mounts.

PS: I'm not reading this list any more because the traffic is
too high.  A web interface would be very nice...

 - D.

[root@fraenkel addons]# diff -c /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs.rpmsave
*** /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs     Thu Jul 20 17:44:17 2000
--- /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs.rpmsave     Wed Jul 26 19:21:52 2000
*** 132,138 ****
        echo ""
        echo "Active Mount Points:"
        echo "--------------------"
!       ps ax|grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] automount " | (
                while read pid tt stat time command; do echo $command; done
--- 132,138 ----
        echo ""
        echo "Active Mount Points:"
        echo "--------------------"
!       ps ax | grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] .*automount " | (
                while read pid tt stat time command; do echo $command; done

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