>   Something that's driving me crazy: is there any way to remove
>   the top menu bar??  Trying to do it from the configuration tool
>   has no effect and/or crashes KDE.
I reported this to the KDE bug list. As far as I know it is still sitting
there !

Moreover I also reported, as a bug, that, unlike KDE 1, it is now only
possible to have one panel (kicker I think its now called). I for one
like to have all my launch icons on a bottom bar, and the open window
icons in a self hiding top panel. After a period of time a reply was duely
received saying it was fixed. However the author would never tell me what was
fixed. Not surprising really since it obviously has not been fixed ! Well,
that's what a good bug tracking system is for.

And as for konqueror ! This has not and does not work at all. I cannot
understand how anyone has managed to get this thing working at all !!! I
installed the Red Hat version of kde 1-92....., on a fresh Red Hat 6.2 and
theirs does not work either. Do anything involving konqueror and all I see is
the auto crash logger !

It strikes me that kde 1-92......, kde2, or whatever it's called today has a
looooooong way to go !


On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> First, thanks for the nice distro, and for providing cooker!
> But I must say I was foolish in attempting to track cooker carrying on
> from the 7.1 beta testing.
> Of course, the problem is that cooker isn't really a distribution at
> all and at any one moment lots of stuff is inconsistent and broken
> with each other.  Wouldn't it be nice if we had a secondary version of
> cooker which at least could be installed without conflicts or library
> errors?  That would involve minimal testing and could be done
> automatically, one would think.
> Anyway, some random problems with recent cookers:
>   ldconfig / ld.so  both supply ldconfig but having missing other
>   files?
>   netscape just seg faults (and for some time, not sure why)
>   The script gives silly errors, the 'newbrowser' call is broken
>   somehow.
>   gnome-libs seemed to disappear (but is back now)
>   KDE snapshot: kdm gives error about not being able to establish
>   interprocess communication, even though it works okay once
>   logged in.  
>   Something that's driving me crazy: is there any way to remove
>   the top menu bar??  Trying to do it from the configuration tool
>   has no effect and/or crashes KDE.
>   sh-utils, procps have conflicts
>   If you're updating ocaml mdk version, couldn't you update to
>   the latest (3.01 or .02) ?
>   autofs  script is still badly broken compared with mdk 7.
>   I reported this once before.  Below is a patch which at least
>   gets it to print out the active mounts.
> PS: I'm not reading this list any more because the traffic is
> too high.  A web interface would be very nice...
>  - D.
> [root@fraenkel addons]# diff -c /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs 
> *** /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs   Thu Jul 20 17:44:17 2000
> --- /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs.rpmsave   Wed Jul 26 19:21:52 2000
> ***************
> *** 132,138 ****
>       echo ""
>       echo "Active Mount Points:"
>       echo "--------------------"
> !     ps ax|grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] automount " | (
>               while read pid tt stat time command; do echo $command; done
>       )
>   }
> --- 132,138 ----
>       echo ""
>       echo "Active Mount Points:"
>       echo "--------------------"
> !     ps ax | grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] .*automount " | (
>               while read pid tt stat time command; do echo $command; done
>       )
>   }

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