On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 01:52:45AM -0700, Mike & Tracy Holt wrote:

> Never mind, got the answer today.  Quite a few hoops to jump through
> though?  An rpm upgrade should be pretty straight forward.  I have
> upgraded a couple of times and didn't need to do all that extra stuff
> even with reiserfs installed.  It's not tough at all to do, just makes
> upgrading a little more complicated.

Upgrading your kernel is not like upgrading GNOME or x-chat or any
other app.  It takes a little extra work.  MandrakeUpdate should not
(IMNSHO) offer to upgrade kernels (I think this is done in the latest
version) because it causes too many problems.  kernel upgrades need
to be done manually... there's no easy way to do it automatically via

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