According to the  XFree 4.0 documentation, the SiS 6326 is supported with 
acceleration.  A base XFree -configure generates a config file with 
acceleration turned on.  However, drakxconf from 
drakxtools-1.1.3-1mdk.i586.rpm  turns acceleration off.  It also comments out 
the line restricting memory to 4096, even though the XFree docs clearly state 
that the memory must be limited to 4M.

With the two changes, videoram 4096, and acceleration turned on, my Diamond 
A50 board works fine.  drakxconf correctly turns sw_cursor on, even though 
the XFree config turns it off, yielding me my big white square cursor.

Ed Wilts
Mounds View, MN  USA

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