There is a test in /etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime whose task is to
distinguish IDE drives candidates for hdparm optimisation, that fails to
eliminate my IDE zip drive. And at each boot i got a 'hdd optimisation
failure'. How to get rid of this ?
Here is the test :
   if [ -x /sbin/hdparm ];then
        LIST_HD=$(grep '^hd.:' /var/log/dmesg|\
            grep -ivE '(CD.*ROM|DVD.*ROM|FLOPPY|TAPE|STATUS)'|cut -d:
And here the line relative to the ZIP drive :
Aug  8 02:17:52 agathe kernel: hdd: IOMEGA ZIP 100 ATAPI Floppy, ATAPI
FLOPPY drive

Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

Plus petites unités de mesure 
- de longueur : le millimètre
- de volume : le millilitre
- d'intelligence : le militaire

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