> > Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > Is there any chance the ext3 code could be integrated
> into Mandrake's
> > > > kernels ? ReiserFS doesn't seem to be as stable as it
> is claimed,
> > >
> > > What is your definition of not stable ?
> Well I'll mess in the discussion if you don't mind. Reiser looks quite
> tough for now. However it has not a wide distribution as
> ext2. Besides,
> those who are making it clearly state that there are problems. And I
> believe they have good reasons to say it. They are the most interested
> party in this thing. Personally, I had no problems with Reiser's
> partitions, but I can't say the same of the tools. Things there are
> still green somehow. If you get a crash you may get some
> trouble to get
> things back. So in terms of stability Reiser is still under question.
> You may use it on a /usr that you don't mind to reinstall. But, at the
> moment, I would not risk to store critical information in such
> partitions.

Reiser still has some implementations problems with NFS and SMP. For
instance, when exporting a reiser filesystem to a Solaris box via NFS,
several instances of Solaris complaining that a paticular file (that was
indeed a text file) was a directory. And this wasn't consistent, you'd have
the Sun box writing to this log file for days, then suddenly stop, with the
complaint that it was trying to write to a directory.

After changing both exported reiser filesystems back to ext2, those problems
went away. But the other partitions (/usr /var etc) are still reiser. The
machine (A DUAL 550 PIII with 512Megs of ram, running SuSE 6.4) will
ocassionally "lose" directories on the reiser partitions. You can be logged
in locally, cd to /usr/local/httpd for instance, do an "ls" and that process
will hang for almost an hour before returning the directory listing. Then it
will be fine for days, only to do it again elsewhere. It's very weird.

While I've not lost any data on a reiser FS, I also cannot justify placing
it back onto our production machines until these problems are resolved.
Which sucks, since doing a fsck on the 120 GIGs that this machine exports
takes WTFL! (Waaay too freakin long!)

Don Krause                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Optivus Technology, Inc.                             (909) 799-8327
"Splitting Atoms.. Saving Lives!"            http://www.optivus.com

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