On Fri Aug 18, 2000 at 04:25:38PM +0200, Rial Juan wrote:

> I used MandrakeUpdate to bring my system up to date, but it warned me that I
> should upgrade the kernel rpms manually because there was a possible problem
> with ReiserFS. So I did. Rebooted the computer but it gave me lots of problems,
> resulting in a kernel panic.

How did you upgrade the kernel.  Did you do rpm -Uvh or rpm -ivh? 
Detailed instructions that work (I use them myself many times) are
available on www.linux-mandrake.com/en/fupdates.php3.

> Now I'm the first to admit that it was pretty stupid of me to upgrade the
> kernel.rpms; usually I leave those alone, download the latest sources from the
> net and recompile those according to my needs, adding an extra kernel from which
> to boot, being the newly compiled test kernel.

Well, no, it's not stupid... it just depends on how you do it.  If you
use rpm -Uvh (for upgrade) you will overwrite the old kernel... that's
what an "upgrade" does.  And, FYI, if that's how we wanted people to
manually install it, we wouldn't put that warning in MandrakeUpdate
since that's how MandrakeUpdate "upgrades" packages.. =)  FYI, if I do
rpm -q kernel here I get the following:


I have both packages installed... no overwriting.  No problems.

> There is one thing though that I find paricularly short-sighted on behalf of
> Mandrake: there is one kernel called "failsafe". Well, I don't understand why
> you make a kernel and label it "failsafe" if you're gonna overwrite it with a
> new kernel, before it's properly tested. Because that is what happened.

I am betting you used rpm to upgrade the kernel, not install the new
one (which the instructions tell you to do).

> So for those of you out there that use ReiserFS: stay off the new kernel rpms;
> recompile your own from the sources, but leave the precompiled ones in place.

Nope, no need to say this.  I use ReiserFS and can update my kernels
happily.  My only suggestion is read (and follow) the instructions on

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