On Fri Aug 18, 2000 at 12:46:05PM +0400, Vadim Plessky wrote:

> Would you recommend to upgrade to 2.2.17 kernel, or it is not necessary?

It's not necessary... if you had 2.2.15 I'd say upgrade to 2.2.16 or
2.2.17 due to a security problem, but 2.2.14 should be ok.

> Currently I have 2.2.14 from Mandrake 7.0 (Dec 99)
> Previously, I was expecting to upgrade to 2.4 kernel. Any news on it?

Unstable from what I know, but I haven't paid too much attention.  I'd
rather stick to the stable kernels than 2.4.. =)  But you can try it...

> P.S. I usally upgrade with KPackage, clicking on RPM. Will it work in this 
> case?

No!  Don't ever upgrade a kernel like that.  Follow the instructions at
www.linux-mandrake.com/en/fupdates.php3 (search for the kernel update
for 7.1).  Follow those instructions and you will have no problems.

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