Submitted 19-Aug-00 by Warly:

> Dear cooker members,

> We plan to release next week our first iso image for the upcomming
> Linux-Mandrake 7.2.

Would it be possible/feasible to some of the mirrors to mount the ISO as
a loopback so that we could simply mirror/update packages?  Frankly, the
only system I hav available for testing I would prefer not to do fresh
installs on (and as I recall, the upgrade code is still terribly slow).

Side note to Pixel: While the installer has improved tremendously since
you started the GI, it is still *much* slower than the old one we used
on 6.x (ca. 40 minutes to install 1 GB, compared to 15-18 with the 6.x
installer on a p200). Ignoring interface changes, what about the
installer is causing these slowdowns?

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
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  -- Stanley Kaufman

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