Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> Pedro Rosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I just got a few questions on them. But they could be quite specific.
> > Where do you think it would be better to discuss them? Personally or in
> > cooker?
> In cooker (i Cc: sorry if it's bothered you).
No the problem is that we are talking here about CVS stuff and most
people are dealing with a completely different version of sources (at
least this is the case). This may create some sort of confusion of the
kind: "What? Where? Why I don't see it? Oh! Ah! Uuuuuf!". 
Sorry I didn't clarify what I meant by "specific". 

> > As an example I state two of them: How near to SystemV are getting?
> > Isn't /etc/profile.d/tmpdir.* a little bit dangerous for users with
> > homes in NFS/SAMBA or with very narrow quota? Shouldn't be made a
> > "pre-check" before setting TMPDIR?
> this is a side i didn't check, you may are right but i don't see
> exactly the problem ?
The problem is the possbility of fast overloads of home directory.
Temporary files are very "specific" to their programs.  In cases when
programs can't write to their configuration or temporary files, a set of
problems may arise. Here we have a NFS homedirectory tree (10Mb quota).
When the directories get loaded it is frequent to meet two conditions:

-KDE cleans up its own settings (files in ~/.kde/config are zeroed). In
result the manager either crashes or can't load in next login.
-Netscape starts overloading the system. Sometimes we loose control of
the workstation and only press "anykey" helps.

Several other situations happen, but these are the most frequent.
Besides, the system may get a lot slower in preformance.  


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