Is anyone else using Apache-suexec?  WWSympa, a
component of the Sympa mailing list software,
requires suexec to function properly.  I'm
noticing this error in my Apache logs:


Warning: User directive in <VirtualHost> requires
SUEXEC wrapper.
Warning: Group directive in <VirtualHost>
requires SUEXEC wrapper.


>From what I read in the Apache suexec
documentation, I don't need any configuration
other than what I already have.  If Apache can
find the suexec binary, it'll use it, as long as
you have it configured.  There's an suexec in
/usr/sbin.  There isn't one in /usr/lib/apache.
I tried symlinking one there, but that didn't

Here's my configuration:


DocumentRoot /home/httpd/lists
ScriptAlias /wws /home/sympa/bin/wwsympa.fcgi
User sympa
Group sympa
ErrorLog logs/
TransferLog logs/


Once again, the "User sympa" and "Group sympa"
lines should be the only ones needed.  Can
someone tell me if they've got Apache suexec
working, or if possibly there was a problem in
the way it was packaged?

Don Head                      [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Linux Mentor, LCP, Network+       [1 314 692-1942]
Wave Technologies, Inc.     [1 800 826-4640 x1942]
[AIM - Don Wave][ICQ - 18804935][Yahoo - Don_Wave]

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