Vincent Danen a écrit :
> On Thu Aug 31, 2000 at 11:47:05PM +0200, Andreas Simon wrote:
> > Was anybody able to run evolution? I always get
> This is exactly the same error message I get with everything at current
> cooker levels (synched about 2 hours ago).
> > [andreas@succubus andreas]$ evolution
> > evolution-mail: error in loading shared libraries:
> > /usr/lib/evolution/camel-providers/0.4.1/ undefined
> > symbol: unicode_get_utf8
> >
> > evolution-shell-ERROR **: Could not start up component for
> > 
> > (See previous error messages?)
> > aborting...
> > Aborted
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
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> Current Linux uptime: 10 days 8 hours 14 minutes.
Altough not longuely tested, i jave no problem running evolution with
that config :

Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

Plus petites unités de mesure 
- de longueur : le millimètre
- de volume : le millilitre
- d'intelligence : le militaire

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