On Wed Sep 06, 2000 at 11:14:40PM -0700, Daniel Tabuenca wrote:

> And now they took off read/execute permissions on the Mandrake-devel
> directory. I don't mean to sound like an asshole and sorry about the
> language, but what gives? I'm not really looking for the ISO, I want a
> working FTP mirror that I can mirror to our FTP servers so that we can
> test out network installs. It's just frustrating at this point. Anyone
> have a working FTP mirror (not ISOs)? Any idea of when the
> sunsite.uio.no main mirror will be back up?

Try ftp.sunet.se.  Give that one a shot.  And we're sorry about all of
the problems with the mirrors... rest assured we *are* trying to get
this fixed ASAP... not only does this frustrate all of you (and us),
but it makes the beta cycle less effective if nobody can get the beta
to test it in the first place.  We are moving some things around to
new servers and this has caused some complications.  Again, we are
trying to get this fixed ASAP.

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