On Wed Sep 13, 2000 at 05:19:55AM +0200, Magnus Holmberg wrote:

> It works when i recompile it my self. 
> It can't be that way that the package I installed through MandrakeUpdate
> is compiled for i686? I think you will get ileagal instruktion if you try 
> i686 binares on a pentium200/amd k6-2-300
> You can't try if your binares works on a pentium-1 system?

Nope...  they're compiled for i586...  Unless someone is smoking
something and fiddled with settings they shouldn't (on Mandrake's
compilation cluster), they're definately built for i586...

I don't have a regular pentium system to try it on, sorry... It's
either an Athlon or the P2-350.

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