Antony Suter writes:

> No, header and header.h are seperate files. All standard header files in
> C++ are supposed to be without the .h, but in practise most people use
> the .h version probably because of MS standards being lacking and all
> header files having .h on MS systems.

Although I'm not a Microsoft fan, the VC++ compiler correctly supports the
.h-less header files. The .h header files are old-style C++ and (if I
recall correctly) don't use things like namespaces etc.

So, to ensure that your C++ files will compile correctly in the future, use
the new .h-less header files instead of the old ones. It can cause some
problems at first, but these are easy to overcome and once you are used to
the new style, you can program with any modern C++ compiler.


Kees de Bruin                                             Software Engineer
E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      TASKING Software BV
Voice:   +31-33-455 85 84                               Plotterweg 31
Fax:     +31-33-455 00 03                               3821 BB  Amersfoort
WWW:                         The Netherlands
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