
> [drfickle@potato remotehost_applet-0.2.0]$ ll `which gcc`
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           17 Aug 25 17:12 /usr/bin/gcc ->
> /usr/bin/colorgcc*
> -- [drfickle@potato remotehost_applet-0.2.0]$ ll /usr/bin/g++
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           17 Aug 25 17:12 /usr/bin/g++ ->
> /usr/bin/colorgcc*
> See, it's the same thing ;0)

Humm you have colorgcc? Then I don't know how that work ...

The point that I am making is that you shuld *always* use the g++ command
when you are compiling c++ code. This is the case whether you are issuing
from console / xterm or in Makefile. When you detect a compiler for c++ code
you should not  detect gcc, rather you should detect for g++. and specify

and CXX=g++

and should not mix them up ..


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