I must say that Cooker keeps getting better and better.  However, after a
mirror update and download from two days ago, and a fresh install I notice
the following:

#1:  SCSI emulation seems to be messed up.  In attempting to enter into the
director for my cdburner (set to mnt/cdrom) on my system, I get input/output
error.  Doing an lsmod, and I notice that ide-scsi is not loaded, nor are
any of the other modules needed for scsi emulation  I need this for my cd

#2:     LP is still messed up.  During install, when selecting lp for the print
daemon, the install simply hangs.  Setting up Cups works fine, but I'd
rather use lp.  After install, an attempt to set up LP for an HP Deskjet
970CSE, I attempted to print a test page and got an error message from print
tool saying that resource is not on this system.

3#:     What version of the oss drivers are being used.  Specifically, the
emu10k1 driver?    There is a patch available to use the digital channel,
but when I applied the patch to the source, it failed.

#4:     The menu on gnome is empty.  It shows kde menus, but does not show the
gnome menus like it use to.

#5:     Mon still has issues.  Not exactly sure what it is doing.

#6:     I agree with a previous post today about all the deamons started by
default.  Things like 4 webservers (Why enable any by default), hylafax,
pcmcia (not needed for a desktop), acups (the power back-up), a deamon to
monitor battery status (again, not needed for a desktop).  Perhaps a simple
step in the installer that asks if you are installing on a desktop or
notebook could help.

#7:     Aurua seems pretty cool.  But, it seems to need a little more work done
on it.  Boot mode always seems to be in single-user.  The progress bar at
the top (I assume that's what it is) is just a white line.

That's about it for now.  I haven't had much time to play with it.  I'm sure
I'll find something else over the next couple of days to comment on.


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