This is an update to the rsync script in the parent of this
message.   You are referred to the parent and grandparent and
great-grandparent messages for further explanation.
Using this script, total 7.2beta tree download is now 971MB, a
considerable saving from a complete download and from the combined
size of the two CD iso9660 image files.   This saving for en_GB users
only is the whole point of the exercise.

The script is easily alterable for en (USA) users or for use in other
locales - if you do that, you might like to publish it here for the
benefit of other users in your locale.  If you do modify the script,
use the rsync n option to dry run test before you do the real
Note 1 (repeated): Since cooker and 7.2beta are running in tandem
until 7.2beta is frozen, downloading of cooker is no longer done.  
Caution: This will cause your entire cooker tree to be deleted, so
rsync a copy of your 7.2beta tree to your cooker tree first before
requesting a
cooker rsync download.   If you still want cooker, remove the
'--exclude=cooker/ \' line.

Note 2 (revised): the kde-i18n-* locale RPMs and the new
linuxconf-lang-* locale RPMs, the installer's locale po files, the
netscape locale files, the mandrake_doc locale files and many other
non-en locale-specific files are not downloaded.

Note 3 (repeated): The contrib RPM tree is also downloaded.  Present
size is 474MB (worth avoiding if you do not want it).  If you do not
want it add a '--exclude=contrib/ \' line.
Note 4 (repeated): This rsync download script aupports only hard disk
installs with English(UK) language and US international keyboard.  It
has been tested with a customized - install - development - all
packages, hd install.

Good Luck!

Latest edition of the rsync script:

echo /local/downloads must be mounted !!
echo for a dry run use n parameter
rsync -rltvP$1 --delete --delete-excluded --stats \
--exclude=SRPMS/ \
--exclude=src/ \
--exclude=alpha/ \
--exclude=sparc/ \
--include=app-defaults-uk-* \
--exclude=app-defaults-??-* \
--include=locale/en_GB/ \
--exclude=locale/ \
--include=**/perl-install/ \
--exclude=**/perl-install/po/??_??.po \
--exclude=**/po/??.po \
--include=**/install/uk/ \
--include=**/install/uk_cp1251/ \
--exclude=**/install/??/ \
--exclude=**/install/??_??/ \
--include=aspell-en* \
--exclude=aspell-??-* \
--exclude=aspell-??_??-* \
--include=locales-?.?-* \
--include=locales-en-* \
--exclude=locales* \
--exclude=man-pages-??-* \
--include=howto-html-en-* \
--exclude=howto-html-??-* \
--include=fonts-hebrew-elmar-* \
--include=fonts-ttf-decoratives-* \
--include=fonts-ttf-west_european-* \
--exclude=fonts-ttf-* \
--exclude=fonts-type1-* \
--exclude=linuxconf-lang-??-* \
--exclude=kde-i18n-* \
--exclude=netscape-castellano-* \
--exclude=netscape-catalan-* \
--exclude=netscape-euskara-* \
--exclude=netscape-francais-* \
--exclude=netscape-russian-* \
--exclude=netscape-sparc-francais-* \
--exclude=netscape-walon-* \
--include=mandrake_doc-en-* \
--exclude=mandrake_doc-??-* \ \


Ron. [in AU, busy 625-line-PAL-TV-watching the Olympics]

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