This is an update to the rsync script in the parent of this
message.   You are referred to the ancestors of this message for
further Notes and explanations.

The reason for this update is to accomodate the new kde-i18n-British
RPM, which otherwise would not be downloaded.  An en_GB install needs
this RPM.
Using this script, total 7.2beta and contrib trees download is now
1.4GB.   This saving of time and space for en_GB users only is the
whole point of the exercise.

Note 3 (revised): The contrib RPM tree is also downloaded.  Present
size is 475MB (worth avoiding if you do not want it).  If you do not
want it add a '--exclude=contrib/ \' line.
Note 4 (revised): This rsync download script aupports only hard disk
installs with English(UK) language and US international keyboard.  It
has been tested with a customized - install - development - all
packages, hd install.

Note 8 (new): The script is easily alterable for en (USA) users or
for use in other locales - if you do that, you might like to publish
it here for the benefit of other users in your locale.  If you do
modify the script, use the rsync n option to dry run test before you
do the real download and install testing.

Note 9 (new):  You will need to change the last line of the script to
reflect your desired local repository.
Good Luck!
Latest edition of the rsync script for 7.2beta and contrib 
download for en_GB users only:

echo /local/downloads must be mounted !!
echo for a dry run use n parameter
rsync -rltvP$1 --delete --delete-excluded --stats \
--exclude=SRPMS/ \
--exclude=src/ \
--exclude=alpha/ \
--exclude=sparc/ \
--exclude=cooker/ \
--include=app-defaults-uk-* \
--exclude=app-defaults-??-* \
--include=locale/en_GB/ \
--exclude=locale/ \
--include=**/perl-install/ \
--exclude=**/perl-install/po/??_??.po \
--exclude=**/po/??.po \
--include=**/install/uk/ \
--include=**/install/uk_cp1251/ \
--exclude=**/install/??/ \
--exclude=**/install/??_??/ \
--include=aspell-en* \
--exclude=aspell-??-* \
--exclude=aspell-??_??-* \
--include=locales-?.?-* \
--include=locales-en-* \
--exclude=locales* \
--exclude=man-pages-??-* \
--include=howto-html-en-* \
--exclude=howto-html-??-* \
--include=fonts-hebrew-elmar-* \
--include=fonts-ttf-decoratives-* \
--include=fonts-ttf-west_european-* \
--exclude=fonts-ttf-* \
--exclude=fonts-type1-* \
--exclude=linuxconf-lang-??-* \
--include=kde-i18n-British-* \
--exclude=kde-i18n-* \
--exclude=netscape-castellano-* \
--exclude=netscape-catalan-* \
--exclude=netscape-euskara-* \
--exclude=netscape-francais-* \
--exclude=netscape-russian-* \
--exclude=netscape-sparc-francais-* \
--exclude=netscape-walon-* \
--include=mandrake_doc-en-* \
--exclude=mandrake_doc-??-* \ \


Ron. [in AU, busy 625-line-PAL-TV-watching the Olympics]

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