Also sprach Etienne Faure :
> * Wed Sep 13 2000 Etienne Faure  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1.3-11mdk
> - removed "Nazis" fortune
I STRONGLY disagree with that new puritanism, that merely seems
censorships. The so-called nazis citations we're just humorist citations
ABOUT nazism, nothing more. While they are lots of really sexist
citations in fortune that doesn't seem to shock anyone !

Removing them unilateraly is nothing more as dictating what's good for
user and what is not. If peoples are close-minded to be shocked by
anything more explicit than TV soap-movies, there is an option in
fortune to prevents offending citations from being randomly picked. Why
not default it eventually ?

While on the same subject, i would also ask other contributers of what
they think about the removal of gnapster from contribs, for similar
politicaly-correctnes reasons... When will also knapster, gnome-napster,
xmame, xmess disappears ?

Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

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