Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > I STRONGLY disagree with that new puritanism, that merely seems
> > > censorships. The so-called nazis citations we're just humorist citations
> > > ABOUT nazism, nothing more. While they are lots of really sexist
> > > citations in fortune that doesn't seem to shock anyone !
> > >
> > > Removing them unilateraly is nothing more as dictating what's good for
> > > user and what is not. If peoples are close-minded to be shocked by
> > > anything more explicit than TV soap-movies, there is an option in
> > > fortune to prevents offending citations from being randomly picked. Why
> > > not default it eventually ?
> > 
> > Well if you don't like it complaign to your government.  They were the ones who
> > sued Yahoo because from France you could bid on Nazi "memoribilia", which even
> > included reali historical artifacts.  I would imagine Mandrake doesn't want to
> > have to deal with getting sued by Germany for spreading Nazi literature.
> Sorry, you are wrong : this story was just due to a private antiracist
> organisation called LICRA, wich called to boycott yahoo and to support
> them by sending mails to ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no joke !).

yes, a private org has sued, not the government. but the problem _does_ be the
french (or german) law. On one hand, we can think that prevent nazi propaganda
is good. On another law, this law hasn't prevent neo nazi to exist (they evan
do a public march in main berlin street withouth being arrested). The pb is
that there're some french organization that sue people because one provides
something not written in french, or because a us citizen has a speak right
such powerful he can buy some nazi artefact.

> And here's some example of the so-called nazi litterature, for people to
> judge on fact rather than on rumors :
> 1 - L'analyse physionomique du visage d'Hitler révèle son immense bonté.
> Chateaubriand (1939)
> (physionomical analysis of Hitler's face reveals his great kindiness)
> Was Chateaubriand a nazi ?

he is not the writer everyone thinks. I don't know who is this guy. maybe was he
a fascist ? i really don't kwown him.

> 2 - Arbeit macht frei. - Hitler
> (works make free)
> Apart the fact it is abusively attributed to Hitler himself, it is not
> nazi propaganda, but rather an historic fact everyone should be aware
> of.

this was written on death camps doors. it'sn't a joke. the pb is the lack of
historical background there.

> You want other really discriminative citations ? Ok, here we go :
> 1 - Penser pour un bon nombre de femmes est plutot un accident heureux
> qu'un
> etat permanent. E.Stern
> (thinking for most women is rather an accident than a permanent state)
> Sexist
> Les féministes travaillent, picolent, conduisent comme des mecs
> et après elles s'étonnent qu'on les encule.
> Patrick Timsit
> (Feminist work, drink, drive as men, and then they are surprised to be
> fucked)
> Sexist and homophobist
> etc, etc, etc...
> So, is Mandrake a linux distribution or a new kind of WASP association
> distributing parental advisories ?

yes. we're the J&BIK (the jew and breton independantists klan) :-)
of course we aren't. But some subjects are still sensitives such like nazis.
sexism and homophobism aren't. they do be stupid but in europe noone will sue you
for this but one'll sue a foreign for nazi propagenda.
As far as i'm concerned, wemay have kept these citations. If a history book can cite 
in universities, why cannot we ?
But this subject really is sensitive

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