On Wed Sep 27, 2000 at 03:44:52PM -0400, Eugenio Diaz wrote:

> Was esound compiled again with alsa?
> It does not work anylonger with gnome or xmms ...

Which version of esound?  It should work fine...  I run it here under
gnome with xmms (right now in fact), and it works great.  I'm running
0.2.19-6mdk and have no problems.  Do you have xmms set to use the esd
output plugin?  What does esd say if you start it manually?

You may have permission problems on /dev/dsp (I did with
dev-3.0.6-2mdk).  You may have to (as root) chmod g+rw /dev/dsp in
order to let regular users use it (problem with dev, not esound).

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