Reinhard Katzmann wrote:
> Hi Till!
> Some remarks to the configure options:
> The default for my gimp-print printer setting
> is somewhat strange: 720 DPI driver, 180x180DPI physical.
> It would be more logical to have 720 DPI both (I would
> prefer 360 DPI both by default).

Which printer model do you have?

In general, the default options of every printer driver can changed

In the web interface go to the printers page and click on the "Configure
Printer" button in its entry. On the upcoming page set the options and
click the "Accept" button of the section where you have done a change.
Use the "Back" button of your browser to make changes in the other

In KUPS click on the desired printer with the right mouse button and
choose "Configure" in the menu.

The configured options will apply to the printing jobs of all users of
the machine now.

For personal defaults start xpp or qtcups and click on "Options" or
"Properties". After changing the options click the "Save" button in the
dialog and your settings apply to all your print jobs (they are saved in
~/.lpoptions) including KDE and GNOME jobs (they all call the lpr
command which is replaced by the lpr program of CUPS in Mandrake 7.2).
In applications as Netscape or gv choose "xpp" or "qtcups" as printing

> One wish: As every printer has dirrerent resolutions there
> should either be a possibility to copy printer entries and
> only rename the printer name as a first step or (would be
> MUCH better IMHO) to be able to change it before printing.
> Of course this is application dependent, so programs like
> acroread and wordperfect will never have it :-(
> I just hope that at least the Gnome and KDE will support all
> preferences of the CUPS API if Cups is installed. (Currently
> KDE is a little bit ahead, but only with the paper size, which
> is uninteresting, more interesting would be dither, resolution,
> paper type, image type and so on).

The KDE team says that full CUPS integration will come with 2.1. Until
now one can at least print using the standard dialog. For the special
options you should adjust them with xpp or qtcups and save them so that
they apply to all your printing jobs. So keep an options dialog of one
of these printing tools open so that you can set options before you


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