Peter Ruskin wrote:

> Because I only have a V90 connection and it's taking forever to rsync
> the distro (BTW, many thanks to Ron Stodden and Troels Liebe Bentsen), I
> upgrade piecemeal and sometimes get things wrong - so, suspecting that
> the above message had something to do with video, I changed all the XF and
> Mesa rpms to those supplied with the 7.1 discs.

Thanks for the acknowledgement <g>.  I'm currently using a composite
perl script based on Troel's wonderful work, and with the rsync
excludes now in a separate editable file which is used by ALL the
rsync accesses.  Everything is still evolving.

To help avoid cluttering this mailing list with the almost daily
updates I hope soon to place this fast Mandrake en_GB-only 7.2beta,
contribs and cooker rsync downloader up on my web page: 

for free downloading.  The web page will have a netmind box.  Click
this box and you will be automatically notified by email every time
this downloader page or the download files change.


Ron. [AU]

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