Hello boys!
   I have this system:
   Mainboard Abit KT7-RAID
   AMD Thunderbird 900 Mhz Processor
   256 MB Ram
   2 HD IBM Deskstar 15GB (In raid 0 mode, One Master IDE2 ATA 100 an the
oter Master IDE3 ATA 100)
   1 HD Seagate 8GB (Master IDE0, ATA 33)
   1 CDROM Asus (Master IDE1, ATA 33)
   Graphic Card: Guillemot 3D Prophet 2 GTS (64MB)

   I recentlly installed the Mandrake 7.2 beta 3. The instalation worked
fine, except for a problem with the IBM disks connected to the IDE2 and IDE3
(ATA 100). They are detected as 2 drives, not 1 as it could be because they
are in raid 0. So I have to install Mandrake in the Seagate (IDE0) disk. The
instalation finished without problems but during sistem reboot it loaded the
kernel and my computer hanged during the Drive Detection phase, no error
messages. The only messages shows the list of all my drives (continuing
detecting the raid as 2 separated disk).
NOTE: During the instalation I activated the Hard Drie Optimizations.
NOTE2: Windows and MsDos works fine with my raid.
I hope this report will help us to make Mandrake more compatible.



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