> --=-=-=
> Name        : xfce                         Relocations: (not relocateable)
> Version     : 3.5.2                             Vendor: MandrakeSoft
> Release     : 1mdk                          Build Date: Mon Oct  2
15:11:22 2000
> Install date: (not installed)               Build Host:
> Group       : Graphical desktop/Other       Source RPM: (none)
> Size        : 2388642                          License: GPL
> Packager    : David BAUDENS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> URL         : http://www.xfce.org/
> Summary     : Lightweight desktop environment
> Description :


This description is a little lengthy, think it
could be shortened up?  Most of this is README
material, not really needed for the description.

Something like what is below is MORE than


XFce is a lightweight desktop environment for various UNIX systems.

The goal is keep most system resources for the applications, and not to
consume all memory and CPU usage with the desktop environment.

XFce 3 is based on GTK+, a free and powerful tool kit widely adopted by many

XFce 3.5.2 features :
   * XFce, the main panel
   * XFwm, the window manager
   * XFTree, the file manager
   * XFClock, a clock and calendar
   * XFbd, the backdrop manager
   * XFMouse, the mouse configuration
   * XFSound, the sound manager
   * XFGnome, the GNOME compliance module
   * XFPager, the pager

Plus as set of shell scripts for use as Drag and Drop actions for the XFce
panel (xfterm, xftrash, xfprint, xfhelp, xfmountdev, CDE2Xfcepal, etc.).


Don Head             [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Linux Mentor, LCA, Network+       [1 314 692-1942]
Wave Technologies, Inc.     [1 800 826-4640 x1942]
[AIM - Don Wave][ICQ - 18804935][Yahoo - Don_Wave]

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