William H Bouterse wrote:

> When installing as english language user
> I see that the entire international set of locales
> rpms are instlled as well? The HowTos are 'en' only
> so has this happened to anyone else? Or did my
> finger twitch the wrong way again ? :)

Strange - you must have missed my postings here and my recent
announcement.   Look at my web site:


where you can download for free a perl script that downloads the
complete Mandrake-devel binary tree, but leaving out everything that
is not English English (en_GB).  This script is being updated daily
so far, as new RPMs are being issued by Mandrake. 

On this web site you can sign up through NetMind to be automatically
notified daily of any changes to the script.

Use of this script saves many hundreds of megabytes (both download
time and your storage space), but requires you to install English
(UK) and US international keyboard.

The installer does not complain.

It is fairly easy to change this downloader for other locales.


Ron. [AU]

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