During the bombing raid of Fri, 06 Oct 2000 14:45:55 +1100, somebody
heard Ron Stodden mumble in fear:

> Bryan Paxton wrote:
>  > Not a bug at all, this is user error(you failed to research the problem).
>  > xhost +
>  > Solves your problem
>  > 
>  > I suggest putting this in your ~/.xinitrc
>  > You can optionally put this in the global Xsession file(in /etc/X11)
>  What an awful way to respond!  Do you not realise we are performing
>  beta testing on a product for world-wide distribution?

        Yes, and if you read bugtraq or securityportal or similar sites,
you'll notice that the fact that you could do that in previous versions
of Mandrake was conscidered a *BUG* because only the user that starts an
X session should have access to it unless he *specifically* decides
otherwise.  I'm glad mandrake fixed this *security hole*

>  I stand by my claim - not a user error, a showstopper (which your
>  'fix' does not fix, BTW).

        "xhost +localhost" as the user that runs X, then "export
DISPLAY=:0" as root in the terminal where you su'ed will get you going.
(that second part is what was missing in the original answer)


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