Not to be totally negative, but are we really all about that? I mean is it
all about getting everyone able to use linux? Sure it's a nice idea but
not the focus of linux, I'm one who thinks that windows is for people that
can't use linux and good for them.

Honda civics are for people who can't use 1970 Chevy's with 454 big
blocks, blowers and keep dual Carbs tuned. Different strokes for different
folks and lets just leave it that way I say. I'd rather focus on security,
stability, and power with useability being my smallest concern in a

Just like the hot-rod isn't for the average driver linux shouldn't
necesarilly be for the average computer user. If it works out that way
through evolution fine, but I don't think we should push it and change
focus from what brought linux where it's at now. Amiga died trying to be
something other than what made it popular.

Just my 2 cents - don't take me too seriously I'm a pessemist. ;)

William H Bouterse wrote:

> Is there any thought to having ONLY
> first-time users attempt to install and use basic
> L-M setup? Maybe the kiosks of Paris?
> i.e.
> Install the Distro, Have printing,modem,sound,
> video,internet connections all working or
> find out why they didn't?
> Kind of like a pre-Movie screening that is
> sometimes shown in theaters which can actually
> lead to changes in the main release.
> I realize this is what we are supposed to be doing!
> However many "average" (whatever that may mean) users,
> do not have the time,inclination, or intestinal fortitude,
> to whip themselves into long-night bleary eyed sessions,
> trying to stay up with the latest cutting edge.
> I have been trying to spread the word about
> Linux and Linux-Mandrake in paticular for years but have found,
> unfortuantely fairly often, even highly intelligent people,
> some with advanced education levels and professionals in the use
> Even after several years of Linux use I still frequently find
> myself "lost in limbo". Maybe too much Jimi Hendrix and
> Janis Joplin music in the 70s :)
> I am okay with that but others,even as they may desire to get away from
> M$,
> have a very hard time of it.
> Anyhow just random thoughts here.
> Keep up the great work People.
> This a great distro of a great OS.
> Seems that about this time of development,
> the "Flames" start getting a little "Hotter" :)
> William Bouterse
> Talkeetna Ak

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