On Fri, 06 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Clay Haapala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Does the hackkernel-2.4 on the Beta-3 image support ReiserFS? 
> > Truth-to-tell, I could not get hackkernel-2.4 running, but I have not
> > been able to spend much time on it.  It dies for me with a panic in the
> > boot sequence.  I'm sure there is an FAQ for me to read on this
> > somewhere....
> reiserfs and 2.4 kernel are currently more unstable than the
> 2.2. one. 

Aha!  Mind telling us just how unstable reiser is on 2.2 ?  Some of us here
have it on production...  It would be nice to know what to avoid...

How about Reiser + NFS, bad combination ?  The Reiser website seems to hint
that this is so, if there are a lot of non-regular files in the exported

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