On Sun, 08 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 02:58:27PM -0700, Nick Webb wrote:
> > Where can I get an up to date list of these mirrors?  Mandrake's site
> > only lists two in the US: rpmfind and wtfo.
> That's true, but someone posted here that sunsite.uio.no also offers rsync
> access.  And that's what I use: rsync sunsite.uio.no::Mandrake-devel .  To
> see the whole list of available modules, just type: rsync
> sunsite.uio.no::Mandrake-devel .
Mandrake-devel IS a module , if you do that you list subdirs of module and 
you need trailing slash in source path if you use that....;o)
for list of all modules on sunsite.uio.no correct command is :
rsync sunsite.uio.no::

Franco Silvestro
c/o CeSIA - Universita' degli Studi di Bologna

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