Michael Powell wrote:
>> Graham Percival wrote:
>>> Millions of electrons died to bring me this message.  Was it worth it,
>>> Warren Doney?
> Electrons don't DIE or MOVE!

They do die. Vacuum anomalies can result in an anomalous positron wiping out an
``innocent bystander'' normal electron, leaving the anomalous electron to
replace it. Since there are so many electrons, it's quite likely that millions
of them did indeed ``die'' in the forging, delivery and reception of Warren's

They do move; whether as waves or as particles is almost as big an argument as
it is for photons, but they do move. In mains (AC) power, they move backwards
and forwards through the ``sea'' of metal ions (typically copper or aluminium)
in your power cables, so you're continually using second-hand electrons to run
your computer.

If you can stop the little suckers from either moving or dying, you will have
the unlimited attention of a very large number of physicists... (-:

"The most dangerous thing in the world is to try to leap a chasm
 in two jumps." -- William Lloyd George

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