Mikedr - Well, its the KDE2 codebase... and it does things via the KDE2

Jason Straight wrote:
> And it's not 1.89 a gallon either it's 189.9 cents a gallon still we call it
> $1.89 ;)
> On Sun, 08 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> > Jason Straight wrote:
> > > Oh - is a beta considered released?
> > >
> > > Yeah, by default it looks like windows I guess, but if you look at my
> > > windowmaker desktop you wouldn't call it windows looking. Mandrake gives
> > > windows look and feel to people who need it to make use of linux, but
> > > linux (and a lot of it) is still there for those who know what they want
> > > and how to get it.
> > >
> > > I hear people complain all the time about bloat in Mandrake that it's
> > > becoming windows - what a load of crap. It all comes down to the same as
> > > any other distro - it's all in how you choose to install it. I can have
> > > nearly the same system with Mandrake as any slackware or debian, or
> > > redhat, or turbolinux etc... It's in how I set it up.
> > >
> > > Powerusers normally don't stick with default configuration no matter what
> > > distro they use, we end up reconfiguring everything the way we want it in
> > > the end.
> > >
> > > People looking for ease of use will appreciate what Mandrakes done with
> > > install and KDE2, while people looking for old fashion linux power know
> > > how to get it out of Mandrake anyway.
> >
> > Buy the way it's not KDE2 its KDE 1.99. The official release of KDE2
> > isn't until October 16th 2000
> >
> > mikey

- Antony Suter  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  "Examiner"  openpgp:71ADFC87
- "Do ye know where the Holy Flamin' Frost-Brand Gronke-Slayin' Vorpal
- Hammer o' Woundin' an' Returnin' an' Shootin'-Lightnin'-Out-Yer-Bum is?"

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