fmirror /mandrake-devel/i586/ per 200010100120 CET

A very restricted installation, customised workstation, went nice.

I still have problem with my Creative 3D Blaster RIVATNT2 VANTA PCI. As
I have a NOKIA 446XS, which can deliver 1600x1200, and I want to use it.

I find it rather pathetic that you behave as jewish or muslim
fundamentalists - i.e I may only use your distribution if I dress and
act as you. You really should consider adding the NVIDIA binary drivers.

One way to make the delivered XF86 act somewhat normally, is to ask,
after you have detected a RIVA TNT2, how much memory the user has. 4096K
detected memory is small compared to 32640K. At 'LINUX GAMES' latest
test they adviced the newcomer to wait for their distribution to deliver
the drivers as rpm.

I have not tested the 7.1 drivers as you seem to have shuffled the
drivers around a bit.

One other problem is that the installation, both yesterday and today,
puts Stockholm inside Siberia.

If you red the article on from yesterday you may have
noticed that they strongly advices all daemons to be shut down.


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