Michael Powell PhD wrote:
> Tim McKenzie wrote:
> >
> > Michael Powell PhD wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > can we desist with the sprach crap and speaky english!
> > > --
> >
> > That's right everyone... Make sure you "speaky" english... LOL. My dear
> > "doctor" will you please open up that closed little mind of yours and
> > understand that not everyone speaks or rather "speakys" English as their
> > primary language.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> well, to let you in on something..I get private e-mail from these idiots
> written completely in german or french. They don't rebuke me in
> cooker,as should be,
> their sneaky about it. 

Private problems are better settled outside of this mailing list so this
will be my last message to you about your immaturity and lack of respect
posted to the Cooker list.

>Also over 80% of the retail Linux-Mandrake
> packages are bought
> in the US of A. That doesn't mean we don't help with the development,
> just that when
> its in final release it seems we're the ones that buy the retail
> version, thus helping
> Linux-Mandrake financially. Not downloading the beta packages for Free!
> and complaining
> that they don't work. 

So... The fact that a lot of Americans might purchase Linux Mandrake
means that the sole language of the distribution should be English? It's
a shame that such narrow minded people still walk the planet.

>Did you ever notice that this (cooker) list is
> mostly non-sense
> that we not only get to read it but usually we have to read it posted
> several times.

Not to be rude, but I often find that most of the recent nonsense is
coming from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I got my 7.2beat3 working just fine (by myself), and didn't complain
> once about
> "its not working".

Congrats on getting it working; however, the whole point is to get the
beta stable enough that new users won't have to "get it working." The
released version should work correctly right out of the box. That is the
whole point in reporting any problems that we, the beta testers, have.
If you happen to fix something that wasn't working it would best server
everyone if you would write a mail to the list explaining what was wrong
and how you fixed it.

Tim McKenzie
Appalachian State University

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