On Thursday 26 October 2000 01:59 pm, Frederic Crozat wrote:
|  Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|  > Current RPM gives only full-install option (150 Mo) for each user,
|  > directly from installer. Maybe it could be possible to do a
|  > "network-install" locally, using install -net, when building the rpm. So
|  > each user could then use a light-install (2Mo) only...
|  Thanks, I'll try that ...

Gnome/Helix guys wanted to "split Staroffice into small (Corba?) modules, 
then re-assemble package from these modules"
I like this idea. But lloks like it will not happen in nearest 6 months...

|  > application. Best proof is special mention "staroffice included" on
|  > mandrake's box. Now it is open-source, providing it with the main distro

Mandrake, go for "KOffice included" !
It is absolutely usable for general office apps (like prepare a fax, print it 
out and ask secretary to send it :-)

|  > would be a great advantage for Mandrake IMHO.
|  It is not possible to include it in 7.2, since we are in deep frozen
|  and it not even possible to print with OpenOffice under Unix :((
Also not clear for me: what type of browser it is suggested to use as 
standard part of OpenOffice? Mozilla? Netscape 6?
Then we again around 6 months from now.

Who knows, may be in 6 months Microsoft will be ready with own Linux... Or at 
least with IE?

Better not to plan future now, "Let it be!" for KDE2/Koffice!

Vadim Plessky
http://kde2.newmail.ru  (English)
http://kde2.newmail.ru/index_rus.html  (Russian)

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