On Sunday 29 October 2000 03:30 pm, OS wrote:

> Is it really impossible for a non root user to run shutdown or init ?

Of course not.  

> Moreover, just by simply adding the file shutdown.allow to /etc results in
> anyone being able to <CTRL><Alt><Del>, it doesn't seem to matter what's in
> it ! This is a dead give away that I do most of my work as root :-o   But,
> then I guess everyone else must be, or else they have the patience to dig
> up a terminal window and su every time they want to log out !!! Great, I'll
> just give out the root password to all and sundry ;-)  :-)  I did read in
> some man page or other about 'authorised users'. If this is what I need to
> do I haven't found the man page that details how to do it. Would some nice
> person tell me what's what when it comes to using shutdown ?

You have 2 basic options:

0.  man shutdown
1.  Edit /etc/shutdown.allow and put in one entry per line for the users that 
will be on the console and shut be allowed to c-a-d.  For instance, mine 
actually contains just one entry, and that's the username (NOT root) that I 
always sign on to.
2.edit /etc/inittab and find the foillowing entry:
ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -a -t3 -r now 
remove the -a option.  Refer to 0.


Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA

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