3C905b ethernet card uses by default 3c59x module. Using it where
moderate payload (15 simultaneous local ftp connections), i encountered
severe problems (lag, timeout, etc...). Local network topology can be
responsable in part, but i also found this in /var/log/kernel/info :
Nov  6 11:35:17 agathe kernel: eth0: Transmit error, Tx status register
Nov  6 11:36:57 agathe last message repeated 59 times
Nov  6 11:38:22 agathe last message repeated 99 times
Nov  6 11:53:09 agathe last message repeated 12 times
Nov  6 11:54:11 agathe last message repeated 2105 times
Switching to 3c90x module (the one created by 3Com) solved the problem.
At least it stopped the error messages :-)
Maybe this last should becomes the default driver ?

Guillaume Rousse

Murphy's law : If anything can go wrong, it will.
O'Tool's commentary : Murphy was an optimist.

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