So sprach Sam am Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 01:59:18PM +0000:
> You're in charge of marketing- which has more brand recognition as 
> included package on the side of your box- Mozilla, Netscape or Konqueror. 
> I think the answers obvious.

Right, it's my favourite, w3m, isn't it? :]

To get real, I'd also vote against using Mozilla as the default browser in
Mandrake.  While Mozilla is really fine (I use it a lot), Sam's reasons
against Mozilla are very true.  Right now I'd suggest to include all 3

- netscape-old (4.76)
- netscape (6.0)
- netscape-hack (Mozilla)

And all those three browsers should be in the main distribution.  Netscape
old should be included, because it's known to work (well, sort of anyway
:]), and because users from other Unix systems (Unix, not Linux!) are
probably very much more used to Netscape 4.x than to anything else as a
browser.  netscape 6 should be in, because it's the newest and greatest.  It
should also be the default browser, so that some more beta testing is done. 
And finally Mozilla should be in, because it can be superior (fewer bugs and
all that) to netscape 6, but it shouldn't be the default, as it is unstable,
just like cooker is.

Alexander Skwar
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