On 23 ?????? 2000 15:48, Justin Young wrote:
|   Matt Grest wrote:
|   > >On Thursday 23 November 2000 12:54, Zeljko Vukman wrote:
|   > Let's be honest, IE 5.5 is the *best* browser in the world (right now).
|   >
|   > Pig headed allegiances to the Open Source world notwithstanding...
|   >
|   > Matt
|   *Cough*  This is off topic.
|   IE 5.01 is the best browser in the world, followed by Opera 4.x, then
|   Netscape 6, then Konqueror.  IE 5.5 is almost as slow as Netscape 4.x.
I would put it in following way:
-MS IE  (yes, it can handle a lot of sites with broken HTML)
-Netscape 4.75

Mozilla is not compatible with a lot of sites. Opera while reports about 
itself as "Netscape", can't handle Netscape-specific pages. And can't handle 
MS-specific code as well.
Mozilla is good with partial CSS support.
/sorry I haven't tried NS6 (yet) and IE 5.5 (already) /

There are many examples where Konqueror handles pages better then Mozilla and 
therefor NS6. 
As about everyday use, I would say that NS 4.75 is better comparing to 
Mozilla, as it is not so fat. And, at least, handles correctly 
Netscape-specific pages :-)

|   Konqueror's only problem is that it lacks Java and Javascript.
|   (Truthfully, I just need Ecmascript for online banking.  I could care
|   less about Java.)

You should make judgement after KDE 2.0.1 release, as Konqueror updated 
significantly in it. 
Besides, don't forget abolut anti-aliased fonts (and new font matching 
mechanism). Keith Packard is working intensively on it, render quality is 
*amaazing*. IMHO, Konqueror will be able to add support for it very fast. I 
am not sure about Netscape (and Opera, they browser for Linux is still in 
Alpha version).
Finally, MS IE will not be able to use this render technology as well - as it 
is sticked to Windows, and Linux / UNIX port done by Mainsoft uses ported 
Win32 libraries.
So, if you want anti-aliased fonts and precise font matching - you need 

Vadim Plessky
http://kde2.newmail.ru  (English)
http://kde2.newmail.ru/index_rus.html  (Russian)
Do you have Arial font installed? Just test it!

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