My test results:

On Wednesday 22 November 2000 19:24, Christopher Molnar wrote:
> For all of you who have a long weekend, here is something to play with - a
> QT2 and a KDE update: (Someone PLEASE let me know they where able to
> properly install):
On Monday 20 November 2000 14:51, I wrote:
> 2. "Error - Potato Guy: Fatal error: I could not load the pictures. I'll
>       quit."
Still the same.

> 3. KSmileTris: crashed and caused the signal 6 (SIGABRT).
Still the same.

> 5. KDevelop and/or KDevelop Setup: crashed and caused the signal 11
> (SIGSEGV) - I only clicked the launch icon.
Still the same. Then I put the kidewrite.desktop file in my 
~/.kde/share/applnk/Applications/Editors directory and, just like the last
time KDevelop doesn't crash, but it doesn't work either - it's 
just a skeleton.  The right-hand pane is always empty; icons are all 
"unknown"; no library documentation; no setup.  You can create what is called 
a "Projectspace" and files are generated but you can't see them.

> 6. Konqueror: I like the colour when you type man:ls in the address bar. 
> As file manager, when I change directory (~ to ~/.kde), .kde contents show
> briefly, then ~ contents show again - it's fast but that's not good. 
Still the same.

> 7. KDE System Control: still very weak compared to kudzu.
Still the same - this app is useless.

> 8. Configuration|Printing|QT CUPS: nothing happens when you click this
>       (probably nothing to do with KDE though).
Still the same.

> 9.  KIconEdit: doesn't appear on menus.
Still the same. It works really well though.

> 10. Kaiman: good to see it working (badged GQmpeg?), but it's too small on
>       the screen.
Still the same.

> 11. KMid: no menu item.
Didn't try this - I've uninstalled menu (I had to force kdebase because it
wanted me to have menu installed and I'm not playing!-))

> 12. KMidi: not working.  "/usr/share/apps/kmidi/config/timidity.cfg: No
> such file or directory
>       Try kmidi -h for help
>       ERROR: KUniqueApplication: DCOP communication error!"
Still the same.

> 14. KMail|Settings|Configuration|Composer|Language: Only English US (C)
>       allowed!
This has been fixed.

> 15. KOffice still very much work in progress, although some improvement in
>       Office97 imports.
No change here.

Address Book:
Every time I edit an entry, KAB assigns the current date to the birthday 
field if empty.  I haven't found a way to delete this.

I found the option to change editor fonts and thought - heh, this is usable - 
then I changed my mind as I kept writing new subjects (for this mail) and 
they weren't getting saved.  Now using good old Text Editor (KEdit) - still 
the best!

After changing a few chart parameters KChart froze.  I could still resize and
move the main window but couldn't close it.  After 2 minutes I was about to 
kill it when it came to life showing a dialog.  Can't work with this app yet.

Node edit not working properly.  The polygon tool just draws triangles, so I
tried to add a node - unsuccessfully.

It can now print arial and palladio as well as times but it can't print any
special characters (dingbats, symbols) and the like, although it renders them
on screen OK.  Text selection with the mouse is _awful_.  This app still

Can't import excel again.  Previous version could.

Very good little conversion app - better looking than kunit.

Task Scheduler(KCron):

Doesn't seem to do anything.  Can't get it to load web pages.

Settings|Configure KEdit|Spelling - set client Aspell with British 
dictionary.  Tools|Spelling provokes dialog: "ISpell could not be started.  
Please make sure you have ISpell properly configured and in your PATH."
I would only want ISpell if it had a British dictionary, that's why I
chose ASpell.  This spoils a superb program.

Does nothing - even when stsrted from Konsole.

KJezzball (kjezz):
Crashed with signal 11.

Looks cool but can't handle mulipart messages yet.

No cards.  Previous version worked.

KPatience (kpat):
Crashes with signal 6.

kPPP log viewer:
Very strange - From  Until Seconds Bytes in Bytes out
               01:48 01:48     0 s 32.5 MB  733.2 KB
        Peter Ruskin,  Wrexham, UK  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     
                    Preferred desktop environment KDE 1.1.2
                 Linux 2.2.17-27mdk, Uptime 5 hours 56 minutes

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