I've not been able to make java work with any of the daily mozilla builds for 
a couple of weeks now, neither with Mandrake 7.1 nore 7.2. Cliock on a java 
url, click on download the java plugin, wait a couple of forevers for jre.xpi 
to download from netscape.com, restart mozilla, click on a java url, get 
prompted to download the java plugin again.



On Friday 10 November 2000 07:30, you wrote:
> So sprach Matthew Brealey am Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 02:01:50PM -0000:
> > Netscape does have things like Java, etc., so it would be nice to have
> You can include the Java implementation for NS6 in Mozilla.  Works fine,
> but takes ages to start up - it's even worse than the start up time for
> Java in NS 4.x.
> Alexander Skwar

Douglas Roberts

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