On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, David Walluck wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Alan Olsen wrote:
> > 1) When doing an install (say, because the upgrade corrupted the RPM
> > database), do *NOT* say "Please wait while formatting disks" when the user
> > has specifically told the program not to format any disks!  Some sysadmin
> > with a weak heart and a fragile system is going to keel-over dead because
> > of that message one of these days...  (Sure as hell scared a few years off
> > of my life!)
> I have been unable to upgrade my Mandrake 7.1 system to 7.2 in part
> because of this message. The first time I saw it I almost cried, but then
> I saw no disk activity and felt that it was safe. Yet, even after that,
> there is no "Upgrade" option. Also, it still tried to pick a different
> partition scheme, insisting on formating a swap partition. I have it on
> CD, so a fixed installation will not help. How do I get the install to NOT
> am sorry to capitalize that, but come on. It seems that upgrading is
> impossible in 7.2. And why do the reviews never catch these big errors?

You bought the "Complete" package, didn't you? ]:>

There is an upgrade in the "Powerpack" version, but I have had great
problems with it. I am investigating them now.

> > 2) If you have an application that creates a log file (say, for example
> > "hylafax"), please have the install "touch" the file location so that the
> > log rotation program does not keep spitting out warning messages about
> > non-existant log files.  (Or maybe set the log rotater to actually create
> > the file if it does not find it!)
> In my /var/log directory I have many files with very long names like
> mail.log.1.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz. It seems like the logrotate script has
> been broken forever. Either it will create those files. Or it will spit
> you out a mail saying that the log doesn't exist like you said. Now this
> bug has existed at least since RedHat 5.0. Maybe someday they will fix it.

Why wait for Redhat?

> > 3) Documentation as to what the various security levels do (in detail)
> > available from the starting web page.
> I think it is there. Maybe not on the starting webpage (what is that?) but
> it's definately explained in detail in the user's guide. I have seen
> reviews complain about Mandrake's documentation, either being
> non-existant, or out-of-date. I think this is in part because they are
> French and their English is not up to par sometimes and is hard to read,
> mais mon francais n'est pas parfait either. That said, I think the
> documentation for this version was one of the things they did right.

It is quite good, but there are always things to improve.

I expect there will be more changes for the better since Jay and Zot were
hired.  I will find out when Zot comes back to this part of the world...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
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    "In the future, everything will have its 15 minutes of blame."

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