
After some more digging I found a script on the site from the 7.2 beta that
does exactly what I wanted.  It might be of use to you also.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nora Etukudo
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 5:31 AM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] Stupid cooker question...(Building an ISO image)
> On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 06:26:23PM -0500, Chris Young wrote:
> > first problem is I have no catalog file (that I can find) in my mirror.
> Thats no problem. The catalog file will be created from 'mkisofs'.
> > The second problem is, the cooker/Mandrake tree is apparently both CD's
> > (inst and ext).  How do I seperate the two so that my ISO file
> will not be
> > larger than the CD media?
> Thats quite harder. I didn't understand the process for seperating the
> whole system into two file trees. :-(
> I helped me in that, that I created a second tree with fewer RPM's (only
> those which are needed for normal installs, e.g. no 'devel', no foreign
> language supports, etc.) and than remade the dependency- / hd-lists in
> this tree with
>    $ cd my_second_tree
>    $ misc/genhdlists --distrib .
>    $ misc/gendepslist2 -o Mandrake/base/depslist Mandrake/base/hdlist.cz2
> The result ist one installable CD :-)) - but no extension CD :-(
> My last build this way from yesterday (with some own RPM's and all
> updated RPM's so far) is 693 MB big and fits just on a 80 Min CD.
> Liebe Grüße, Nora.
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  
>      Lesbian Computer Networks, Finland
>      Web for Women (von Frauen, für Frauen)

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