On Tuesday 12 December 2000 15:51, you wrote:
> I too tried it. Hmmmm ! Now Sawfish produces windows without borders and
> title bars !!! Rats !

Ack!  Hit the wrong button, sorry for that other reply. :-b

Before installing the Helix Gnome packages, save a copy of your 
/etc/X11/wmsession.d/02gnome and /usr/bin/startgnome files.  When the Helix 
installer finishes its installation, these files will be removed.  Because of 
this, the Gnome option will not be present in the gdm or kdm login screens 
(doesn't matter which one you choose, it'll be removed no matter which one 
you choose).  After completion, the Helix installer will restart your X 
server, so the next step is to login to KDE (since Gnome won't be an option) 
and copy the two files you saved back to their original directories.  
Secondly, rename the .gnome, .gnome-desktop, .gnome-private, and .mc 
directories in your /root and /home directories.  When you log back in to 
Gnome, these directories will be recreated.  If you don't recreate these 
directories, it'll be VERY unstable.

So, to sum up and repeat the steps in order:

(1)  Save a copy of /etc/X11/wmsession.d/02gnome
(2)  Save a copy of /usr/bin/startgnome
(3)  Run Helix installer
(4)  When Helix installer finishes, it'll restart your X Server. Gnome will 
not be an option, so login to KDE.
(5)  Copy the 02gnome and startgnome files back to their original directories
(6)  Rename .gnome, .gnome-desktop, .gnome-private, and .mc directories in 
your /root directory and all user directories. (e.g. I renamed mine to 
.gnome2, .gnome-desktop2, etc.).  The directories will be recreated when you 
login to Gnome.
(7)  Reboot
(8)  You should now be able to login to Gnome w/o (many) problems.

The Helix Gnome updates work pretty well on Mandrake 7.2 after following the 
above steps, but I still experience some very minor problems every now and 
then that I can't quite put my finger on (and I'm not even certain if the 
problems are caused by Helix Gnome, or something else).  I think that if I 
had it all to do over again, I'd probably just skip the Helix updates.  Most 
of the gnome packages in LM 7.2 are still current and I don't see any major 
differences.  Your system might be more stable if you just leave it the way 
it is.


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