r j wrote:
> The new config file for 4.0.2 is XF86Config. Unfortunately, and don't
> ask why cause i don't know yet, X is using the XF86Config-4 file when
> it starts.  Apparently the font path unix/:-1 is no longer
> acceptable.???smh???
>  Create a new XF86Config with xf86config from the console, backup the
> XF86Config-4 and Copy your *new* XF86Config as XF86Config-4.  The X
> server will start& run - at least it did on mine.
> If someone knows which file is mandating XF86Config-4 for the XFree86
> 4.x series, I'd like to know. I'll find it eventually but I'd like to
> have some Christmas cheer :-) too.

Its been the same since XFree86 4. If file XF86Config-4 exists it is
used, else XF86COnfig is used.

- Antony Suter  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  "Examiner"  openpgp:71ADFC87
- "...to condense fact from the vapor of nuance."

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