On Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 12:18:02AM +0100, Pixel wrote:
> Prana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What exactly is needed? If it's something like keep everything uptodate,

Actually something _like_ up2date (pun intended).  I believe up2date
(redhat's utility) does more than even MandrakeUpdate.  Does
MandrakeUpdate handle the case where I have an rpm "foo-1.1-1mdk"
installed.  A new release comes out, foo-1.1-2mdk but has a new
dependancy on bar-3.5?  Will MandrakeUpdate fetch and install
bar-3.5*mdk even though it's not already installed on my system?

> - my first solution was to say, mirror the dir and rpm -Fvh * but someone told
> that it was bothersome to download the unneeded packages.

I have 6% of the distribution installed.  I would statistically be
downloading 16x the times the number of packages I would actually
install.  Is that really an answer?  How often shall I do that?  Once
a day?  Once a week?  Once a month?  In the meanwhile my box gets
broken into because of a vulnerability that gets widely exploited
before I do my once-a-month update.

> - my second solution was to do exactly what MandrakeUpdate is doing, just simpler
> (aka assuming one wants to update everything).

I missed that one.

> These 2 are so simple that i can't see what needs to be done!

So write a tool and put into the distro.  Make sure it can efficiently
and reliably (deal with old and new dependancies, etc.) update the O/S
even if run every hour.


Brian J. Murrell

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