Le Lundi 22 Janvier 2001 11:56, vous avez écrit :
> Aurelien Jarno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I don't know if it is a cooker problem, but I can't use NFS with a
> > directory on ReiserFS or on FAT32.
> >
> > With FAT32, I've got a "Permission denied" when I try to mount the
> > exported directory. With ReiserFS, I can mount it, but I have a
> > "Permission denied" when I try to access it (ls or cd ...).
> > Note that it's not a NFS configuration problem, since it work with an
> > ext2 partition.
> can you explain who are the client who are the server how do you mount
> the directory ?

The server and the client will be two linux systems, but for tests, my 
computer is the client and the server. I am using a mandrake 7.2 updated with 
cooker (so the kernel is a 2.4.0-5mdk).

Here is my exports file


/home is on a ReiserFS partition, /usr on an ext2 partition and /mnt/winc on 
a fat32 partition. I don't need to export /usr, it's only for test.

Then, I try to mount each of them :

[root@ajarno /root]# mount /mnt/temp
[root@ajarno /root]# ls /mnt/temp
ls: /mnt/temp: Permission non accordée
[root@ajarno /root]# umount /mnt/temp

[root@ajarno /root]# mount /mnt/temp
mount: failed, reason given by server: Permission non 

[root@ajarno /root]# mount /mnt/temp
[root@ajarno /root]# ls /mnt/temp
X11R6/  doc/                 i386-glibc21-linux/   include/  local/  share/
bcast/  games/               i486-linux-libc5/     lib/      man/    src/
bin/    i386-glibc20-linux/  i586-mandrake-linux/  libexec/  sbin/   tmp@
[root@ajarno /root]# umount /mnt/temp

It works for ext2, but not for ReiserFS and fat32. 

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